Let Us Count Walker’s Lies – A Quick Guide to Print Out and Mail on to Others

So how many times have you heard somebody say, “What do you have against Scott Walker?”

Or have you heard some variation on the theme of, “Okay, so he got rid of collective bargaining for state employees, a governor shouldn’t be punished for just one thing, you gotta’ give him a chance.”

Well, a fellow named Steve Griffith has done us all a real public service and put together a quick summary of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Politifacts check on Walker’s record of lies. He was able to fit it all on a two-page handout that you can down load as a PDF file. We have posted it on the “Citizen Action” page of the Daily Call website so you can print it off and forward the address link to folks on your address book for them to print off and distribute.

I don’t know who Steve is or where he lives, but a big thanks for his work. You can link to the handout at: Walker’s biggest lies

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