La Crosse 4Bernie Opportunities

By Cathy Van Maren

Here are new opportunities (and some old ones) to help Bernie locally and nationally. Please forward to other Bernie supporters you know.

As the campaign says, “We won more delegates last night than the polls projected and this is the largest delegate lead that our opponent will have for the rest of the race. Starting today, as we see primaries and caucuses happening in states like Arizona, Idaho, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington over the course of the next two weeks, the map will be shifting dramatically in our favor.”

Bernie is down, about 300 pledged delegates right now, but New York’s primary is April 19 and California’s is in June. The rest of the states should be Bernie friendly states but he will need to win big in as many as possible, including Wisconsin on April 5. If you believe in Bernie, don’t let the pundits, who have been wrong and dismissive* about him since the beginning of this campaign, dictate your enthusiasm or activism! Now is when we really need to get to work - not just for Bernie but for the many other candidates Bernie voters will help (in Wisconsin, a real Supreme Court judge versus a Walker-appointed one, for example).

Whether or not we get a Bernie organizer this weekend, next week or never, we know how to do this and we will do this. So, thanks to some new resources, we have new opportunities for you to help this campaign locally and nationally.

I urge you to sign up for (and then show up for) one or more of these events!

1.  TODAY! - Help call/text local Bernie supporters to get them to sign up for an event. REPLY with CONTACT if you can help.

You can find all the sign up links for the remaining opportunities at

2.  Saturday, March 19 and/or Sunday, March 20 - CANVASSING the NORTH SIDE/FRENCH ISLAND - we have 25 official canvass routes! If you have a smart phone, you can use a free app and we won’t have to print or deal with data entry. So, please note if you have a phone when you sign up. If you DO, please download MINIVAN from the app store and read this very short info sheet about how to use it.

3. PHONE BANK PARTIES every night - Monday through Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. starting Monday, March 21. Bring a phone and or computer with headset. If you have unlimited minutes, use your phone. If not, get a FREE google voice number and you can use that to make calls. Your phone number will not be displayed when you call. You will get a script to read. It is very simple and we will provide training if needed. Also, probably, treats! Come with a few friends. This is the most important thing!

4. FLYER AT UWL on Monday, March 21 (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) - This is super easy. We’ll meet at the UWL Clock Tower (middle of campus) and hand out Bernie lit to people who want it.

5. SET UP YOUR OWN EVENT - at and then let us know about it. It could be flyering outside your work or on your campus, hosting a phone bank party at your house, writing a letter to the editor (please!!!) or something else. We will help you publicize it!

We will probably be setting up other events, especially if an organizer comes, but in the mean time, if you have been waiting for the right time to jump in and get involved, this email is to let you know that NOW is the right time!

Remember, you can also PHONE BANK FROM HOME or BECOME A DIALER-MONITOR to help facilitate others’ phone calls.


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