Podcasts To Ponder: Exploring Resistance

By Richie Hoban
The Daily Call (5/13/15)

This week’s podcast spotlight focuses on PRN’s environmental program “Resistance Radio” hosted by Derrick Jensen: http://resistanceradioprn.podbean.com/

The reach of corporate media is so severe that important voices that help speak for humans and their relation to the planet are not just drowned out but simply ignored. The act of ignoring these voices easily silences them in a very effective manner. The corporate media does the same with important stories such as the Trans-Pacific-Partnership [TPP] or fracking. Muddling the waters of public discourse is corporate media’s job these days because profit is king and nothing can interfere with it. This is the capitalistic commandment.

So the question becomes, where do we find resistance? When it comes to environmental issues, which the mainstream media goes at great lengths to avoid, “Resistance Radio” is an excellent information source. Its host Derrick Jensen has been at the forefront of environmental resistance for the last 20 years in America. Never heard of Derrick? Well, it’s not surprising because corporate culture would never give a free and forward thinking person like Derrick a platform. Have you seen Chris Hedges on MSMBC lately? Mr. Hedges has the same problem for our corporate masters as Derrick does; too much truth too much resistance and too much speaking truth to power and the masses.

Corporate media desperately tries to keep voices like Derrick and Hedges out of the mainstream. Luckily, we still have the internet. The TV show Democracy Now describes Derrick as, “the poet-philosopher of the ecological movement”. He has written some 15 books critiquing contemporary society and the destruction of the environment. His many books include A Language Older than Words, Endgame, What We Left Behind, Resistance against Empire, and Deep Green Resistance.” Derrick knows the dominant culture is killing the planet and us along with it. Resistance radio interviews regular citizens who have the courage to stand up to this onslaught.

Voices such as activist George Wuerthner (Ecological Projects Director for the Foundation for Deep Ecology), Tierra Curry (senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity where she focuses on gaining protections for imperiled species and their habitats), or one of my favorites Guy McPherson can all be found here. These are the people, the grass roots if you will, on the front lines of resistance against the capitalistic culture which is now destroying life

Derrick’s ability to let his guest just talk and contextualize the current problem is a real treat and no other podcast starts with different nature sounds. His guests bring a variety of views to the fore and, although the discourse gets heady, it’s always full of information. Some of the information you may wish you didn’t know about our planet. Derrick has always said, “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that any way of living with the use of non-reusable resources won’t last.” We now find ourselves on that cusp and fortunately Derrick has given those who resist a voice to help us understand what our planet faces and us along with it.

Upside to the Podcast: 79 episodes of people and ideas that most not in the environmental movement have never heard of.

Downside to the Podcast: It can be depressing at times to hear about so much destruction but I always think it’s better to know than to not know.


This week’s podcast episode spotlight is from the Psychedelic Salon entitled Podcast 435 – “The Neuroscience of Music” with Marina Korsakova and Bruce Damer http://www.matrixmasters.net/salon/2015/02/podcast-435-the-neuroscience-of-music/

Today’s podcast spotlight is on a 2014 Palenque Norte Lecture given by Dr. Marina Korsakova. Marina is a professional pianist and scholar in music cognition. Her research is focused on emotional responses to music and on the perception of melodic transformation. Her latest book, “Music as Magical Journey: A Story of Tonal Gravity, Melodic Objects, and Motion in Tonal Space,” makes a friendly introduction into the science of music.

Music and the mind; what a combination to consider. This talk from the 2014 Burning Man festival examines the newest ideas on the subject. How does music affect neuro-science? What is the knowledge and experience music gives the mind? How does music effect the evolution of the mind? Man there is a lot to chew on here.

Marina says magic is music and there is a lot of truth in this statement. Marina argues that music is language but more than vowel sounds or consonants. All humans understand music. Its space, its feeling and its understanding are all open to humans even as children. Dive into the tones of wonder as Marina explains the dimensions of tonal space and time and how it affects humans when they interact with the natural world.

  • If You’d Like To Check Past Posting’s Of Richie Hoban’s Podcasts To Ponder: Pearls In The Ocean Of The Internet, Link HERE.
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